Stewardship Stewardship is a word that has often been used as coded language to mean "giving money to church". But actually, stewardship is a much bigger and more important word. Stewardship is about how we "steward" or take care of all of the different ways that God has blessed us: with our time, our talents, andour money.
God invites us to examine and continually re-examine the ways that we are using our time, our talents, and our money to best glorify God and best serve God and the world. As people of Salem and as Christians in the world this means we have to ask ourselves the questions: How am I using the time that I have to serve God and help my neighbor? How am I using the gifts and talents that the Holy Spirit has given me to serve God and help my neighbor? How am I using the money that I have to serve God and help my neighbor?
As a church community, we are church for the sake of the world. Salem Lutheran Church is a gift from God to us that we have been given to take care of. Salem strives to be God's presence in the world for the sake of all who are seeking a community of Christians and for all who are in need. This includes: worship and prayer, pastoral care and visits, Sunday school, confirmation, and Bible studies, weddings, funerals and baptisms, community events, and helping out when people in our community need it and the local food shelf. To make all of this possible we need your TIME, TALENTS, and MONEY.
Consider budgeting Salem Lutheran Church into your monthly income and spending. The Bible challenges us to tithe, meaning the Bible challenges us to give 10% of what God has gifted us in time, talents, and money back to God's work in the world. Sustaining monthly giving is a big part of what supports Salem's budget needs in order for us to continue to do what we do.
Sunday Morning Offering Plate Mid-way through worship on Sunday mornings and special worships we pass offering plates. You are invited to place cash or check in the offering plate. Envelopes are provided in the pews if you wish to place your cash or check in an envelope for privacy. If you would like the money you give in the offering plate to be recorded in your name to the church for tax purposes (you will receive a giving statement for taxes at the end of the year), place your name on the envelope before you place it in the offering plate. Children often place their offering into the the Cow box that is at the front of the sanctuary. The offering given to the cow goes towards the children's ministry and is decided by the children how they give their offering money. Children are invited to go to the front to leave their offering in the Cow while the offering plates are being passed. There is no requirement, pressure or judgment to place money in the plate, if you do not have anything to put in the offering plate, just pass the plate along to the next person in your pew.
Automatic Bank Transfers If your bank offers automatic transfers or bill pay, you can set up re-occurring monthly transfers to Salem Lutheran Church. Contact your personal bank to find out how to set this up.
Simply Giving® Reoccurring Bank Transfers is a way for you to make donations to Salem Lutheran Church via electronic transfer from a bank account or credit card. To enroll in Simply Giving® download, print, complete the Authorization Form and bring or mail to Salem Lutheran Church, 2702 - 1st Street, Mahtowa MN 55707
How to Mail a Check Your offering can be mailed in to the church office. If you give on a regular basis, an offering envelope can be assigned to your name. You can designated your donation to all or one of the following: General Fund, Building Fund, or other. Salem Lutheran Church 2702 - 1st Street Mahtowa, MN 55707